
Showing posts with the label Paintings

My New Revival Project

  I read an article recently about a program that takes children's art and makes it into realistic versions. That, coupled with my recent re-do of my "Mother Nature's Kisses" that I originally painted two years ago, got me thinking. It inspired me to go through my paintings that I did when I was a kid, and see if there were any I could revive and make realistic versions of now that I am an adult.  "Revival Painting Comparison, The first was done when I was 13!!   This project is really exciting because it takes the simplicity of my childhood imagination to a whole new level. It brings me back to my roots. It is fun to see where my style started and to see how I've grown as an artist. It's interesting to see the things that I use to come up with. I would sit for hours painting, making things up from my head, and it has been inspirational to revisit those ideas.  Original version 11"x17" Acrylic on Cardstock  Shana L Rowe Jackson 2001

Doing Series Work

  One of my favorite things about being an artist is doing series work. Often times I don't start a piece of art planning to make it a series but once it is finished, I love it so much that I want to do more like it!! Series work is great for the collect-ability factor. Patrons want more of what they love, a series is a great way to give them that!! I personally like to work on many different subjects, so doing series work helps me to make many different bodies of work, which is really helpful when you have a hard time defining your "Niche".   A series is a group of pieces that are linked in some way. Like doing the same subject at different angles or colors, or a repetitive concept. My newest series is a progression series, which follows a hot air balloon on its journey. In each piece the hot air balloon is a little bit farther along on its journey. I have three in the series so far and have at least three more planned!! A series can range anywhere from three painting

Ready For Spring!!

  I live in Maine, which is a wonderful place to be an artist. The different seasons are a great backdrop for new inspiration, and it's nice to have the change in scenery. However, winter seems to run on forever!! I love winter don't get me wrong, the snow is beautiful, the cool crisp air, it is a magical time of year. By February though, I am ready for spring. It could be that the snow is all brown from the plows, or the fact that I am sick and tired of being sick and tired (flu season, ick!!) or it may be the fact that days are finally getting longer so I know spring is around the corner and it makes me want it that much more!!! Spring and fall tend to be my favorite seasons anyway, the colors are vibrant,(makes for fun and dynamic paintings!!) both seasons mean big changes and neither are too hot or too cold.        Lately I have been inspired to work on spring, and even some summer artwork. This is not unusual for me, it seems my inspiration "clock" is always a

Life in the 'Dale

   Life in the 'Dale is a fun, whimsical series that I am working on, based on childhood, farming and a whole bunch of giant sized objects!! It is my longest going series thus far with 16 paintings and many more to come. I got the inspiration for Life in the 'Dale when I painted "I should have Kept that Cow" which is an illustration of the fairytale Jack and The Beanstalk. "I Should Have Kept That Cow!!"     I really liked the way it came out and the whimsical style in which I painted it so I decided to do more like it.      The name "'Dale" (The word Dale itself means valley or broad valley) Comes from a shortened version of my hometown "Farmingdale" . In fact the series is loosely based on what Farmingdale may have looked like long ago in it's founding days. Most of the images have an old fashioned twist to them, depicting simpler times.  I'll Be The Teacher's Pet For Sure!!!     All the titles are clever des

Finally broke down and made a Blog!! Glad to be here!!

  I have been thinking about doing a blog for sometime now, but was worried I wouldn't have anything to say. Also, I am not the best at sp e lling (You have been warned ;) ) So never really thought this would be my thing. My main reason to have blog is to help promote and share my artwork with my fans, and give them a chance to get to know me better . Then I thought about it and realized that I LOVE talking about my art and art in general so why not start a blog? "New England Drive" 18"x24" acrylic © Shana L Rowe Jackson 2011   I guess I will start by stating a little bit about myself and my journey as an artist. I have been an artist for as long as I remember, in fact I was already showing signs of the "art bug" before I was out of diapers. I don't remember ever wanting to be anything but an artist. I started documenting my artwork in scrapbooks by the time I was eight years old, because I knew I would want to look back someday as a f