Non-Art Supply Tools Every Art Studio Should Have.

     As some of you may know, I am renovating my art studio. This has given me the chance to look over what I have and to reflect on the tools that I have gathered over the years. 

    This got me to thinking about all the tools that I have in my studio that are not actually art supplies. I decided to compile a list and share it with others who might find it helpful when setting up their own art studio.

    Many of these tools are seemingly uninteresting, I mean, buying paint and pencils is the fun part, right? Who wants to shop for tape? However, it takes more than just pretty art supplies to keep a studio running. 

   Here are a few of the things, in no particular order, that I touch on in my video. To hear more feel free to watch the video below!

* Rags, studio wipes and paper towels. Great for cleanup, to wipe your brush on and for creating certain effects in your work (just make sure you opt for lint free if you are touching it to your artwork.)

* Spray bottles for re-wetting paint on the palette, for wetting clay and for fun spray effects in your artwork!

* Containers to hold water in and to keep certain mediums fresh for later use.

* Acid free tape to keep your artwork flat while working and for certain painting effects.

* Cutting tools- scissors, utility knives, paper cutters, etc.

* Don't forget that cutting mat to go with those cutting tools!

To see more watch my video here!

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