Comparing Lighfast Ratings and Prices of Four Popular Colored Pencil Lines
Comparing Colored Pencil Lightfast Ratings (4 popular lines) I am comparing the lightfast ratings of four popular colored pencil lines, and the results are quite surprising! I will be comparing the lightfast ratings as well as pricing on Faber-Castell Polychromos, Prismacolor Premier, Caran d'Ache Pablos, and Derwent Coloursoft colored pencils. The purpose of this exercise is to compare the general lightfast ratings of the complete lines of four of the most popular brands of colored pencil. I am not including lightfast information on each individual color of these lines. This is merely an overview to gauge what lines are worth investing in and what lines are not. I am basing my comparison on my own calculations done from information on lightfast ratings from each company (when applicable) co...